Trek Problem: Floating Heads

Trek Problem: Floating Heads

Log Entry: Spend enough time in deep space and you’re sure to encounter a few floating heads.

TOS 1×7 Charlie X
TOS 2×4 Who Mourns for Adonais
TNG 2×2 Where Silence Has Lease
TNG 4×19 The Nth Degree

Log Entry Supplemental: As a general rule, any entity claiming to be God is probably just some malevolent alien.

Example: ST5 The Final Frontier

Trek Problem: Sketchy Androids

Trek Problem: Sketchy Androids

Log Entry: Are androids just machines or are they living, sentient individuals? I don’t know but they definitely cause a lot of #TrekProblems.

TOS 2×12 I, Mudd
TNG 7×1 Descent, Part II
VOY 2×13 Prototype
PIC 1×2 Maps and Legends

Log Entry Supplemental: Be careful out there! #TrekProblems can sneak up on you sometimes.

Example: TOS 1×9 What Are Little Girls Made Of?

Trek Problem: Alternate Timelines

Trek Problem: Alternate Timelines

Log Entry: Ever feel like you’re in the wrong timeline? It’s probably a bad case of #TrekProblems.

TNG 3×15 Yesterday’s Enterprise
DS9 4×3 The Visitor
VOY 2×5 Non Sequitur
PIC 2×2 Penance

Log Entry Supplemental: Something about this timeline feel “off”? You might just be infected with interspatial parasites.

Example: ENT 3×8 Twilight

Trek Problem: Alien Infections

Trek Problem: Alien Infections

Log Entry: If we used more robots we wouldn’t have these kinds of #TrekProblems.

TNG 2×22 Shades of Gray
TNG 4×18 Identity Crisis
VOY 3×26 Scorpion
ENT 3×3 Extinction

Log Entry Supplemental: If your long dead childhood friend appears and starts talking to you, don’t freak out! You’re probably just infected with a multidimensional fungal parasite.

Example: DSC 2×2 New Eden

Trek Problem: Alien Diplomacy

Trek Problem: Alien Diplomacy

Log Entry: Negotiating with aliens isn’t an exact science.

ENT 2×5 A Night in Sickbay
ST13 Star Trek Beyond
TNG 5×2 Darmok
VOY 4×19 The Killing Game, Part II

Log Entry Supplemental: Sometimes you have to just step aside and let people work out their own #TrekProblems.

Example: TOS 3×15 Let That Be Your Last Battlefield