Looks like someone’s ready to cause a whole lot of new #TrekProblems.
Tag: Picard
Holographic Snowballs
Reminder: a holographic snowball to the face hurts just as much as the real thing. #TrekProblems
Admirals’ Banquet
Admiral Nakamura looks forward to seeing you at the Starfleet Admirals’ Banquet. And no, he doesn’t want to hear about your #TrekProblems.
Gambit, Part II
One minute you’re studying an alien archaeological site for fun and the next you’re leading a band of galactic mercenaries. #PicardProblems
Warp Core Breaches
I’m not saying a warp core breach in progress is any reason to freak out, but, yeah actually you should probably freak out. #TrekProblems
New Ground
When the inertial dampers fail, there’s only one thing you can do: hold on tight! #TrekProblems
Emergence (Revisited)
The Enterprise attained consciousness and gave birth to a baby starship? No worries, simply release the offspring into space and never speak of it again. #TrekProblem solved.
Trek Pro Tip: Always fight the Nausicaan.
When Geordi tells you repairs will take 37 hours but you need warp engines right now. #TrekProblems
Masks (Revisited)
Masaka is waiting in the temple. You know what to do. #TrekProblems